Recipe Collections

New party recipes

With sandwiches and sweets, fuss-free canapés and inspiration from the pros, we’re ready to party.
Sausage rolls

Preparing for your next party is a breeze with inspiration like this. From a pork belly sub that’ll feed a crowd to towering cakes and croquembouches, crisp Vietnamese spring rolls to bite-sized lamb and roast carrot sausage rolls, these are the only recipes you need for your next soirée. Start sending those invites.

Confetti cake


Beetroot and carrot mezzalune with leek, hazelnut and poppy seeds

Loudogg’s twice-cooked crisp-skinned chicken

Loudogg’s twice-cooked crisp-skinned chicken

Grilled lamb cutlets with yoghurt and fresh chilli chutney

Vietnamese spring rolls with mustard leaves and herbs

Lamb and roast carrot sausage rolls

Potato and mussel pancakes with sesame dipping sauce

Chipotle chicken wings with dipping sauce

Roast Korean pork lettuce cups with ssämjang

Roast pork belly sub with crackling, balsamic onions and apple sauce

Victoria sponge

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