Food News

What is Forbidden Rice?

While forbidden rice is another name for black rice, the capital-F, capital-R Forbidden Rice is an Australian creation.

While forbidden rice is another name for black rice, the capital-F, capital-R Forbidden Rice served at fine-dining restaurants such as Quay (like in this dish with roast duck and persimmon), Print Hall (squid, pork and grilled chilli) and The Press Club is actually an Australian creation. Made with organic rice grown in China’s Heilongjiang province, Forbidden Rice is parboiled to drive the colour and nutrients in the husk further into the grain (by comparison, white rice has had its fibrous husk removed). The result is a healthier, darker grain that, unlike regular black rice, can be cooked without needing to be soaked overnight. While many are drawn to Forbidden Rice for its nutritional value, chefs value it for its striking dark hue, nutty taste and al dente texture.

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